Who We Are

The Miss Tourism Africa Organization, headquartered in Nigeria, is a prestigious global organization that embraces and celebrates all cultures, backgrounds, and religions with a profound dedication to beauty, tourism, education, and community, with a specific focus on empowering women.

Our mission is to elevate the influence of women by providing a secure and nurturing environment for women to share their unique stories and make meaningful personal, professional, and philanthropic impacts. The women who partake in this esteemed international platform are exemplary leaders and inspirational figures in their communities, serving as role models to admirers worldwide.

Empowering Beauty

Since 2022.

What drives us

The primary aim is to spotlight and advocate for the abundant cultural richness, awe-inspiring natural beauty, and varied attractions that the continent of Africa has to offer.

Our vision is to witness Africa being celebrated on a global scale as a premier travel destination, renowned for its vibrant and diverse cultures, as well as its breathtaking and diverse landscapes.

Ultimately, we strive to raise international awareness and encourage more people to visit and experience Africa firsthand.



Happy people

Meet Our Team